Name: Mat Devine
Where You’ve Seen Him: Mat has been making music with his band for over 10 years now. They have toured with tons of different artists all around the world. He recently decided to take a step back from the band to work on his solo project Wrongchilde. Check out Mat’s song “Gold Blooded” off of Wrongechilde’s new album also titled Gold Blooded.
Why He’s Crush-worthy: Mat is one amazing musician. He can play both the guitar and the piano. Mat even admitted that he loves to play the piano for his date. “When I’m on a date, I play something for her, usually on a piano in a hotel lobby,” he tells BOP & Tiger Beat. Mat also is not afraid to admit that he is awkward. In fact, he’s totally cool with admitting he’s made some mistakes. “I want to actively feel awkward and make mistakes all the time. I’m the most awkward person you’ll ever know. If I mess up, I feel some sort of humiliation, but I just laugh it off,” Mat admits. Plus the musician is a total rebel, too. Mat shared that he isn’t one to always follow the rules. “Almost all of my greatest memories began with ignoring warning signs or kind of breaking a rule,” he shares.
What do YOU think of Mat? Are YOU crushing on him yet? TELL US in the comments below or on Twitter.